Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wats Dat? ........Philly Shopholic.????
TODAY WAS AWESOME!! I went along for a shopping adventure down Center City aka Walnut & Chestnut Street. With me came my roommate Taydra and my friend Angelo. Together we embarked on a mission..retail therapy. First we made a pit stop at VZW so that I could get my glyde software updated. BOY DO I LIKE IT! Afterwards, we hit the stores. Many stores...back-to-back. Our first task was to find dresses for our midnight...oops i mean...MOONLIGHT... cruise on friday...*sidebar* which i am please to announce that my wonderful love will be attending because I said so :)....*anywho* I found a cute black, white, and silver dress..that is also strapless. This is something AMAZING...due to my lack of wanting to dress roommate got a cute little black dress and some heels. I also got a orange sundress that makes my look like the little native I am...and some sandals and purse and jewelry. Couldn't help but to get more jeans! (thats just me) O yea and a white cardigan! I spent sooo much time in H&M today it made no sense! Plus there are not one...BUT TWO H& on each street....HOW AWESOME! The other stores visited are my little secret..hehe...My next purchase will be a gift for the love due to him leaving me in the teen years:( Well here are the pictures of the new editions to the wardrobe. P.S. I am going to find a Salvation Army to give half of my clothing to. I realize that I have to much...well you can't really have 2 much...*SMILEZ n GIGGLEZ*

Thursday, March 26, 2009
SPRING is here!
Fav season of all time...spring! It brings me joy. I can't help it...I'm a spring baby. Now that the weather is nicer..especially here in Philly....its time to turn up the GG...ya hear me? hehe Anywho I will be embracing my newest style which is my innermost swag this weekend. I will be a shopaholic for a day. You wanna shop for great deals..come to my new Hood. The H&M is waayyy better than Annapolis Mall. Sauturday will be my day of release therapy. Style therapy :) So excited. Plus i gotta get a dress for my weekend next week. Temple's Midnight Cruise on the Spirit of Philadelphia. (maybe ill get a visit) So i gotta look my best for him;) I will be happy to report my findings on Sat nite. O HOW I LOVE SPRING!
134 miles
How can 1 be lonely, when they have one of the greatest {connect} anyone could possibly have? Basically it all comes down to the leading force. My heart is being stretched between the grimy streets of Philly, through the bareness of Deleware, to the harbor tunnels of Bmore, into the homeland. My heart is frantically beating for it wishes to be whole again. It's not complete without all of me. Loneliness is desperately stalking my heart as if it were the next months rent. My heart wishes to be RED and not green with envy because others are happily interwined with their others. They should really consider themselves to be lucky..because my luck has ran short. So everyday I go on as if everything is ok. I constantly just remind myself of a soon to come special day. A day when such loneliness will be a thing in da past...a figment of my imagination. 134 miles and waiting......
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
since you've been gone...
*sidebar* the page is fixed so feel free to comment*end sidebar* lol
ok so basically everybody realizes that people change...
there is no way you can stop that...
it is inevitable...
some change for the better and some well...they just change...
and i know that i change...
i have changed and i keep changing...
but i can't help it...
i'm trying to become bigger and better...
well maybe not some much bigger in the physical sense but big in personality =]
and i realize also that i may not be the easiest person to get along with at times...
but that's part of my change...
some times everything that goes on can piss me off but other times they are just fine...
some times i get sooo tired of people and other times i love them to death...
i don't know why this happens or how to stop it...
but everybody who means something to me i love y'all...
and don't charge it to my heart =]
ok so basically everybody realizes that people change...
there is no way you can stop that...
it is inevitable...
some change for the better and some well...they just change...
and i know that i change...
i have changed and i keep changing...
but i can't help it...
i'm trying to become bigger and better...
well maybe not some much bigger in the physical sense but big in personality =]
and i realize also that i may not be the easiest person to get along with at times...
but that's part of my change...
some times everything that goes on can piss me off but other times they are just fine...
some times i get sooo tired of people and other times i love them to death...
i don't know why this happens or how to stop it...
but everybody who means something to me i love y'all...
and don't charge it to my heart =]
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Extended Family
Merriam-Webster lists family as being a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation or even a group of things related by common characteristics. Now, I am not talking about my family, as in my own flesh and blood, but those who have key roles or lack there of. These days I see them extended addition. Each has their own individuality that makes an influence of some way into my life. I like to take this time to introduce the world to them.
Anyone who knows me for who i am knows of my other half. The half of me thats wild and crazy as hell, but also loving, when it wants, and caring. This side of me has the biggest.....EGO in the world. But that's the best part. I mean who doesn't enjoy someone with the highest level of confidence. And don't try to go crud, cuz you would get put in your place with the quickness. Hello World, I would like to my other side..Jared Robert. He's the love of my life. I would go into further details about mi dude...but he'll get his own blog in the near future. I think I owe him that much.b
On to the rest of the roll call....
The FAB 3... 3 girls who drive me crazy..but I would go 2 hell and back to make sure they are livin good and comfortable. Ms. Diva herself and little Ms.Chick have been with me since the 6th grade. Havent been at the same school since. Yet I was still at their defense when someone tried anything at their expense. College days has given them even more reasons to give me headaches in fear that they may be harmed by sickness or crazy psychos or even the simple fact that they getting a little besides themselves. But they know that I will always be by there to bring them back down to earth.
But what about the third? That would Miss AB herself. My confidant in crime in the cuzzo Ashley. She's my true crime partner. Together we cause damage. Physical, mental, and emotional. Don't cross me and don't cross her, because the other is not to far behind. Even though miles away..little miss fashionista..helps me day in and day out. Somehow, we live each others lives...especially when it comes to boys.I became her little sunshine! Whether its heartache or happiness, we've been through it all. We've watched each other grow in only a short period of time. Because of her I got 2 lovely cuzies, Phy & Moni, who are crazy in their own way. Some may see her as the quiet one, but trust me this little girl is little miss gangsta. I mean...who else would help out with the DAMAGE CONTROL.
A little added addition, brought on by ash, kinda, takes form as my bestie. MY BESTEST BESTIE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. He's soo cool. I have never met such a chill person in my life. Even when he's pissed off, he's still yet so calm. Maybe he's just weird. Anywho, this dude was soooo quiet. But me and ash switched him over to the bad side...hehe...honestly...i couldn't fade losing him as a bestie. He used to make me pizza everyday when we would go 2 his house at that half day time...(o the memories we will all share) He brings peace to my life. Plus he brings love to ashley (oops! :/) Bestie has also brought to me D.Lo aka Honey bunches...I just had to give him a shoutoutizzle...he'll skate 4 u 4 food.
The breakdown:
The male in my life who broke my heart for the first time...Leon Delonte...he made me into some kind of pheonix..he broke me down and created this female version of himself..he is my real talk...forever trynna make into a G..but the prettiest G in the game. If any dude try to break me down..a mountain couldn't stand in the way of him succeeding in breaking them. In the long run I led him to find love. Love in my dear Emerald. Words can't explain what she's gone through, but all in all I'll egg her father house for her anytime *INSIDE*. baby mama...Imma be there for the little one whenever you need a helping hand. ANDY(Isaac) and on..yet still my african crazy friend. Temple Crew..I got love for all of you. Jazzy..lesbo lover of mine...people be hating on our friendship...but they don't know we had to go through dealing with puddin..thus causing us to become lesbo JUNIOR...wade..i felt the need to add you to the bunch because in the course of only a few months...we have gone from hating each other 2 actually helping each other. You make me laugh anytime I'm around your philosophical a** when your in a foggy state of mind (hint hint) you always trynna break it down to me..but i hope you find that perfect sum1 n of course ill help u do it..n she can be my best friend! Well she's gonna have to share me cuz I promised that job to Ms. Morgan Ames..who also gets a shout out cuz 1 day i'll get her on dat metro.
I saved the worst for last..bcuz he's last in my heart..SIKE!! I'll always love my little law..trevor my dear has become a the 9th grade he use to let me use him as my little 09 boo. College came and he thought he bcame MR.COOL...well trevor e. lee IM HERE 2 TELL U DAT U R MR. COOL...BUT ILL STILL KNOCK YOU OUT...YOU BACKED OUT OF 2 MANY FIGHTS WIT ME CUZ YOU KNEW U WERE GONNA LOSE! sike! For some odd reason though, I feel connected in a way to be there 4 him...y? i have no clue. I just want him to become the best person he can be..but honestly..I feel as if maybe he got a little side tracked and needs to get his A game back up. Brother of and you suppose to be doing big things freshman year so don't let me come home and you haven't done that. Don't think I forgot about our talk concluding winter break.
The Lee boys have brought not one, but TWO sister in a the fam. Co-wink-a-dink , both are named Ashley. I've grown to adore little Ashley, although she is bad. Sometimes I feel the urge to adopt her so that she could chill with me all the time and I could keep her out of trouble. That is not possible, but in 3 years, I will be back in the PG, and I promise that she can always count on me. As for the eldest, I don't know her. Truth be told, at one point, I didn't like her. Yet at this point, I am able to drop that because like I said I don't know her. I can't judge her. I can only assess the situation. And the situation is...I can see that she loves Trevor, genuinely. That's all that matters. I am not one to stand in the middle of two love birds and that's what they are. I hope they treat each other right. Although I don't know her, I still dont want Trevor to hurt her and if he and him going at it. SOOO...2 Ashley...Welcome 2 the fam :)
Dear world....This is my extended lifestyle....there are more...but it's they would say in PHILLY...MAD LATE...and I gotta call hubby:) To those not mentioned...I got you..2 all mentioned..keep holdin it down. Time for bunnin!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
i remember when me and my cousin were kidnapped and took picniking...
not kidnapped like we were never to b seen again but kidnapped in a fun,affectionate way...
those were the times...
and as corny as that occasion may seem to others...
it was kind of special to me and something that i think i'll remember for a while, if not forever...
what happened to things like that???
are we so past the "love" that we are just straight to the point...
no romance anymore???
i guess that's tough love...
but i miss the affection...
not kidnapped like we were never to b seen again but kidnapped in a fun,affectionate way...
those were the times...
and as corny as that occasion may seem to others...
it was kind of special to me and something that i think i'll remember for a while, if not forever...
what happened to things like that???
are we so past the "love" that we are just straight to the point...
no romance anymore???
i guess that's tough love...
but i miss the affection...
Friday, March 6, 2009
how do you put yourself in the position that you become a nobody...
what happened to the days when you were a somebody..."ms. popularity"
but now you've fallen into the category of "ms. wannabe" or "ms. used to be" even "ms. could have been"
how do you go from having a circle of friends to being alone...
how do you u go from having 10 numbers to call to just having 1...
and that one only works sometimes...
and that one bears your burdens until they become to much...
and that one gets worn down til they can't take it anymore...
and that one slowly fades away like those 10 that couldn't help bear your burdens and stay...
but your just one with a heart that's strong...
and your one with dreams that grow and thrive and blossom...
and your one with dreams that will become a reality one day...with the right encouragement from the ones you love...
and that one will be your only inspiration...your only reason to press on...your only reason to not just follow but chase your dreams...
where have all the good friends gone???
once you're not the one in their face anymore they forget you...
once you're the one who wants to follow your own path instead of the one they try to lay for you they don't need you...they leave you
good friends are hard to find...and that is the truest statement i've heard to date...
i thought i had good friends but they just couldn't wait...for me to find me and who i wanted to be and what i wanted to do and where i wanted to go and how i wanted to get there...
they just judged me for who i was...
and now in this strange place with all these weird things and weird people...where am i to turn???
to that one that's lost like me...or to the one that i left in philly...but wheres the one that's there with me...
misery loves company so wheres mine??? being alone in a dungeon only prolongs time...
i want to be in that place that's meant for me...
i want to go where i'm meant to be...
i am ms. gonna quotation marks necessary...
and you can leave me...or follow me...
but i'm going to be me...
and now i know who me is and nobody is going to take me from me...
even if i have to stay ms. lonely.
what happened to the days when you were a somebody..."ms. popularity"
but now you've fallen into the category of "ms. wannabe" or "ms. used to be" even "ms. could have been"
how do you go from having a circle of friends to being alone...
how do you u go from having 10 numbers to call to just having 1...
and that one only works sometimes...
and that one bears your burdens until they become to much...
and that one gets worn down til they can't take it anymore...
and that one slowly fades away like those 10 that couldn't help bear your burdens and stay...
but your just one with a heart that's strong...
and your one with dreams that grow and thrive and blossom...
and your one with dreams that will become a reality one day...with the right encouragement from the ones you love...
and that one will be your only inspiration...your only reason to press on...your only reason to not just follow but chase your dreams...
where have all the good friends gone???
once you're not the one in their face anymore they forget you...
once you're the one who wants to follow your own path instead of the one they try to lay for you they don't need you...they leave you
good friends are hard to find...and that is the truest statement i've heard to date...
i thought i had good friends but they just couldn't wait...for me to find me and who i wanted to be and what i wanted to do and where i wanted to go and how i wanted to get there...
they just judged me for who i was...
and now in this strange place with all these weird things and weird people...where am i to turn???
to that one that's lost like me...or to the one that i left in philly...but wheres the one that's there with me...
misery loves company so wheres mine??? being alone in a dungeon only prolongs time...
i want to be in that place that's meant for me...
i want to go where i'm meant to be...
i am ms. gonna quotation marks necessary...
and you can leave me...or follow me...
but i'm going to be me...
and now i know who me is and nobody is going to take me from me...
even if i have to stay ms. lonely.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
my "ah ha" moment...
so i've kinda grasped where i want my style to go...
you know how you have ideas but you're never really sure of how to go about making them into reality...
well i've figured it out...well kinda...i haven't actually tried this idea as of yet...
but hopefully i can tomorrow =] ...
but i've decided to let my creative juices flow...
buying clothes and making clothes are two totally different things...
while shopping is like a therapy...its also costly...
but just sewing and altering i am able to make things that are one of a kind, cheaper, and i get the satisfaction of being the designer...
i have found inspiration in sooo many different places that i've never thought to look before...
i hope that when i do come to a conclusion on my style that it is just that...MY style...and not a copy of my inspirations...
i went to the fabric store yesterday and it made me realize that there may be patterns for some of the things that i want to make but not all so "free-handing" might become the best way...
i have to let my mind wonder and just let things come natural to me...
hopefully by doing things this way i can tailor my skills so that it won't just be me making things on a whim but actually taking the time and making things that are AWESOME...
am i really into clothes and fashion and style so much that my passion has rubbed off on others???
can i be the inspiration for some of my closest friends to try to switch it up and take a walk on the wild side lmao...
if so i am very much flattered...but i don't want to take soul credit...
i think it is in part just growing and maturing into a polished adult...
can't dress like the little kid on the playground forever hahaha...
you know how you have ideas but you're never really sure of how to go about making them into reality...
well i've figured it out...well kinda...i haven't actually tried this idea as of yet...
but hopefully i can tomorrow =] ...
but i've decided to let my creative juices flow...
buying clothes and making clothes are two totally different things...
while shopping is like a therapy...its also costly...
but just sewing and altering i am able to make things that are one of a kind, cheaper, and i get the satisfaction of being the designer...
i have found inspiration in sooo many different places that i've never thought to look before...
i hope that when i do come to a conclusion on my style that it is just that...MY style...and not a copy of my inspirations...
i went to the fabric store yesterday and it made me realize that there may be patterns for some of the things that i want to make but not all so "free-handing" might become the best way...
i have to let my mind wonder and just let things come natural to me...
hopefully by doing things this way i can tailor my skills so that it won't just be me making things on a whim but actually taking the time and making things that are AWESOME...
am i really into clothes and fashion and style so much that my passion has rubbed off on others???
can i be the inspiration for some of my closest friends to try to switch it up and take a walk on the wild side lmao...
if so i am very much flattered...but i don't want to take soul credit...
i think it is in part just growing and maturing into a polished adult...
can't dress like the little kid on the playground forever hahaha...
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